The Integrated Transport Centre Hosts the "Green Mobility Forum”

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The Integrated Transport Centre Hosts the "Green Mobility Forum”

Published: Wednesday, 29 November, 2023

The Integrated Transport Centre Hosts the "Green Mobility Forum”


In a step aiming to enhance the sustainable transport system in the emirate of Abu Dhabi, the Integrated Transport Centre (ITC) of the Department of Municipalities and Transport (DMT), organized the "Green Mobility Forum” on 28th November. The forum witnessed the participation of senior government officials and representatives from the Republic of Korea and the People’s Republic of China, as well as representatives of green-powered bus manufacturers and a number of academic institutions including the United Arab Emirates University, Khalifa University and others.


In his opening statement at the forum, H.E. Abdulla Al Marzouqi, Director General of the ITC, affirmed the Centre’s keenness to closely work with its strategic partners, locally and globally, through the "Green Bus Program" as part of the ITC’s roadmap that is in line with UAE’s efforts to achieve Net Zero by 2050 strategy.


H.E. noted that the Green Mobility Forum and the Green Bus Program emphasize the ITC’s commitment to substantiate the Government of Abu Dhabi’s position as a leading city in adopting environment-friendly mobility alternatives. These efforts are in line with UAE’s initiatives during the Year of Sustainability, in preparation for the country hosting the UN’s Climate Change Conference (COP28). The ITC’s endeavors also act to reinforce the emirate’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions, provide alternative transport options to the community, thereby supporting the economy and the environment, and creating smart sustainable cities that raise the quality of life.

Green Bus Program

By 2030, the Green Bus Program aims to make the island of Abu Dhabi a green zone that provides a public transport system operating on sustainable energy alternatives, aiming for an inclusive transformation by 2050. This will be achieved through various forging several partnerships within the framework of the Green Bus Program, which includes a comprehensive evaluation of various models of hydrogen and electric-powered buses on technical and operational levels during the Program period that lasts up until the third quarter of 2025. The outcomes and findings of this assessment phase will act as the basis for the gradual transformation of the emirate's public transport fleet towards a green energy fleet that is in line with the efforts of the world's leading cities in the sector.


The Program was launched last year after signing Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) with both the Republic of Korea, the leading country in the field of hydrogen buses, and the People’s Republic of China, the leading country in the field of electric buses. In a step that enabled the ITC to set forth with greater readiness, utilizing the exchange of partners’ expertise and knowledge through a specialized training program for Emirati capacities, as well as visits to factories and stations in different cities in both countries.


Partnership Agreements

During the forum, the ITC signed a number of partnership agreements with the Program’s partners, and manufacturers of hydrogen and electric buses. These partners contributed to initially developing the technical specifications for the buses before moving forward with the evaluation phase, where they will be supporting the ITC in the technical and operational aspects and share knowledge with the Program team.


Local and international partners of the Green Bus Program commended the experience being an innovative platform where the private and publics sector cam cooperate to develop advanced solutions in the transport sector, meeting the region’s needs. Through this step, the ITC aims to solidify Abu Dhabi’s position regionally as a role model through this integrated experience.


In this context, joint efforts with local strategic partners to develop policies, legislation, and requirements for the operation of green buses were highly applauded. One of the most important Green Bus Program partnerships included establishing of the first hydrogen fueling station in the UAE, that serves public transport buses and taxis, which was recently launched at Masdar City in collaboration with ADNOC.


Awarding Ceremony

Six engineers affiliated with the Green Buses Capacity Building Program were honoured during the ceremony, after successfully completing the two-phase training program, consisting of a theoretical part that was supervised by global experts, and a practical part that was carried out in collaboration with the Program’s partners in the Republic of Korea and the People’s Republic of China. During the forum, partners delivered statements commending the ITC’s efforts and affirming the commitment of the two countries to support the Green Bus Program.


Review of bus models

The forum concluded by reviewing models of hydrogen and electric buses that will operate as part of the island of Abu Dhabi’s public transport network during the assessment phase. Participating universities also reviewed several projects in green mobility and energy alternatives. Additionally, the Forum included a panel discussion on the integration of the academic and industrial sector's efforts to enrich cities’ experiences in their transition towards becoming smart and sustainable cities.